Restorative Justice Scoop October 2023

The RJ Zine

During the months of October and November your child will have Advisory Lessons that introduce them to Restorative Justice as a way of being together and a process for resolving conflict and healing harm. We believe that strong relationships and interconnectedness with a restorative community will help us all uphold MS447’s values and will create true belonging. Below are images of the Zine that will help guide their learning. Check in with your child towards the end of the month and ask them to share their Zine and their understanding of Restorative Justice with you. Together we can reinforce this way of being!

Connection to The Wolfpack: By building relationships and interconnectedness within a restorative community, we can all uphold MS 447’s values.

In our community…

We act with INTEGRITY
We work for JUSTICE & EQUITY
We listen and learn with CURIOSITY & JOY We take RESPONSIBILITY
We all BELONG here!

Qualities of the Wolfpack:

We are a community who works together as a team to learn from one another We explore together
We find strength in our togetherness
We are courageous

We build trust
We communicate constructively
We take ownership and responsibility for ourselves and our pack We are the Wolfpack!

When Harm Occurs…

The Restorative Justice Department is currently workshopping the following protocol to use when harm occurs. As we partner with AmplifyRJ this year ( we will operationalize new learning, new techniques, and new philosophies as we strengthen existing practices and continue to uphold strong relationships with students and families. Therefore, we anticipate flexibility and change within our RJ practices as we discover together what encourages justice, joy, and the ability to thrive! As we enter this journey our goal is to remain transparent throughout our learning process. Restorative Justice Practitioners, Dallas Alexis and Sameera Abadi, along with additional members of the RJ team, Administration, and Staff have begun using the following questions when holding Restorative Conferences with students and staff. The goal is to use a reflective format to identify what harm as occurred, who has been harmed, and what needs to happen to repair harm and restore relationships.

When Things Go Wrong…. Processing the Situation

What happened? What were you thinking at the time? Who was harmed?
What do you/they need?
Whose obligation is it to meet these needs?

When People Are Affected… Reflecting on the Impact

What did you feel when you realized what had happened? What impact has this incident had on you and others? What has been the hardest thing for you?
What do you think needs to happen to make things right?

The Student Equity Team: a group of students committed to repairing harm caused by inequity; who strive to build authentic integration and caring relationships. All students are invited to join the Team on Thursdays from 3-4 pm in the DEN (the student lounge in the Quiet Room). One of of first projects will be a book audit so that we can reopen our DEN library with books that point toward JUSTICE, LIBERATION, and JOY.